Abstract Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit their abstract online on before 31 August 2025 by creating an account in the MECOS 4 Website. After account creation, you will be notified with a user ID and password. Using this information you may login and submit your abstract. You will then receive the acknowledgment containing the abstract receipt number. The acceptance of the abstract for Oral/Poster presentation will be intimated to you in due course. Once accepted, you have to login again and complete the registration process by paying the requisite fee online. After confirmation of the receipt of the registration fee, you will receive the receipt for the payment made and your registration process shall then be treated as complete. Without paying the registration fee authors will not be permitted to attend the Symposium and the abstracts will not be included in the book of abstracts.
By submitting an abstract, the author(s) make(s) a commitment that the work is original and has not been published before, in any manner, and that at least one of the authors would register and attend the conference. Submission of an abstract also implies that the authors have all the mandatory approvals for doing so and that the content is devoid of plagiarism/ similarity. For all issues arising out of the abstract being placed in the public domain, the authors will be solely responsible and in no way the organizers or the host of the symposium.
If you are already created account login here for abstract submission.
If you are not created account Create Account Now.
General guidelines for preparing the abstracts:
- Title: The title should be printed in BOLD (16-point Times New Roman) with scientific names italicized.
Author(s): Names of all authors should be in bold, 12-point Times New Roman font. Presenting author's name should be with * after the name.
Address and email: Designations, affiliations/addresses (very brief), telephone numbers and e-mail addresses should be in 10-point Times New Roman font. Provide only presenting author's address and e-mail address.
Length: Maximum length for an abstract is one A4 sized page.
Page size/setup: Standard A4 (210mm x 297mm=8.27"x 11.69") paper (portrait). The margin should be set at 1 inch throughout (Top/bottom/left/right).
Font and spacing: The abstract text should be in 12-point Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing and should not exceed 400 words, explaining the background, the need, aims, methods and the findings of the study along with its possible utility.
Keywords: The Abstract text should be followed by a list of keywords subject to a maximum of five, which should be arranged in alphabetical order and should be separated by commas.
Paragraphs: Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line and should not be indented.
Alignment: ‘Left’ alignment for the title, author(s) affiliation/address and keywords. ‘Justify’ alignment for abstract body.
Figures and Tables: No figure, table or reference should be included in the abstract.
- August 31, 2025 is the deadline for submission of abstracts. Abstracts received after this date may not find a place in the Book of Abstracts.
Dates to Remember:
Last date for Abstracts | August 31, 2025 |
Late date for registration | October 31, 2025 |
Abstract Acceptance | October 15, 2025 |
General guidelines for preparing the posters
- Posters need not be printed. They will be displayed on large LED screens.
- Posters should be in the size of 1.0 m wide x 0.9 m height.
- The matter preferably may be prepared in two columns with tables, photos or graphs along with the written matter.
- The title, authors name and address may be kept in a single column only.
- “Arial” font may be kept for all written matter. The font size should not be less than 40 for title, 30 for Author name and 24 for other written matter.
- Use light backgrounds with dark color fonts for posters.
- For each poster subject wise code will be given and that should reflect on left side corner of the poster.
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